Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Break 2011

So for spring break my goal was to relax and not think about school...well at least not that much. I realized while on break that I was totally burned out from the first half of the semester. Enjoy these pictures from spring break.
I started off my spring break by getting my hair cut and colored. It was a great way to start off the week. Plus I felt like a new person when it was done. This is the picture I took of my new hair. It was dyed a warmer brown with red and blonde highlights. I can straighten it or I just let it curl on its own.
After spending the day at the mall we went home to rearrange the apartment. This was something that we were going to do when we got back from winter break but you know how school just takes over your life...well at least our lives. Before we could rearrange I had to take down the St. Patrick's decorations. I ended up making it rain little green and white shamrocks. Hehehe :-)
So this is looking into the living room from our bedroom. We're not so sure how long we're going to keep it this way but we'll see.

This is looking towards our bedroom. I had to move my books to the bottom shelf because my books were making the shelf bend. FYI mom I'm definitely going to need a book shelf when I move back home....wink wink.
I worked Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at the Registrar's office. Had to make some extra money for when Stacy comes to visit. On Wednesday night after work Tami and I went to see Gnomeo & Juliet in 3D. It is a very cute, funny movie.
On Thursday we went to Waikiki to get some beach time. It was crazy windy all break and we ended up getting pelted with sand so we left after about an hour. Even with the wind it was still a very beautiful day.

After the beach we went to have lunch at Cheeseburger Waikiki. Yummy drinks and good food.
Tami and her drink.
On Friday I went to the mall. I just spent the day window shopping at the mall. I spent a few hours in my favorite bookstore, Barnes & Noble. I just like reading different books. This time's books of choice were a couple nursing books, Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards and 150 Tips and Tricks for New Nurses, and a couple cupcake books, The Big Book of Cupcakes and Martha Stewart's Cupcake Book. It was a pretty great book even with spending most of it in the bookstore.
On Saturday I went to Pearlridge mall and did some window shopping there. I did go to see the movie, Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2. It was a pretty funny movie.
I also stopped by my second favorite bookstore, Borders, and spent a few hours there as well. I read some books about roadtripping the USA, travel in Europe and a book about the Kardashian sisters. I'm totally hooked on their reality shows.
That was pretty much it to my final spring break. I didn't do anything too exciting but it allowed me to relax and not worry about school. It was much needed and deserved. I think this is all for this post.
Sending you warm wishes and aloha kisses :-)


mom said...

I'm pretty sure any day in Hawaii is a good day. And I will get you a sturdy bookshelf. LOL Love, Mom