Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Cupcake Blog

Hello All,
Since my birthday is coming up I wanted to make some cupcakes. I decided to make poke cupcakes which are white cupcakes that you poke with a toothpick or fork and soak with any kind of jello mix. This was the first I've made these.

Here's the ingredients for making cupcakes.

The ingredients to be mixed.

Batter all mixed and scooped into the cupcake liners. I got to use the ice cream scooper that mom got me to scoop the batter. It worked like a charm.

I also made some mini cupcakes.

After they were finished baking I poked holes in them and used a spoon to pour the jello mix over them to let it soak in. Then they are put in the refrigerator.

Here's the regular size cupcakes baking in the toaster oven.

They got a little more brown than I would have liked but they were still good.

This was after they had been refrigerated. I frosted them with cool whip.

Here's the mini cupcakes to take to clinical on my birthday.

Here's the finished cupcake.

Since the cupcakes were rounded not much went into the cupcakes but you kind of get the idea. I think it was pretty good for the first time making them.
Hope you enjoyed the cupcake pictures. Sending you warm wishes and aloha kisses.


mom said...

They look delicious. Love Mom