Friday, July 2, 2010

Our New Home

Hello Again,
So we've gotten totally moved into our new apartment at the Executive Center in downtown Honolulu. This building is a block away from the shuttle stop that Tami and I will take to get to the other campus. Here's pictures of our new home.
Here's our small kitchen. The door to the apartment is to the right.

This is looking from the kitchen into the living room.
Here's more of the living room. Our bookcase is all full of school books. We got the little cubes/foot stools next to the couch as extra storage and as foot stools. Right now mine has all of my ATI books and games in it.
This view is from standing on the couch looking into the closet and bathroom area. The bathroom is to the right of the closet.
This is our bathroom.
This is looking from the closet into the living room.
This is looking into the bedroom and our amazing windows.
Our beds.
Again the great windows and our desk area.
Looking from the bedroom into the living room. Hope you enjoyed the pictures of our new apartment. We already are in love with the fact that we can just walk down the street to get to our classes for summer and once the semester starts it'll just be walking down the street to jump on the shuttle. Sending you warm wishes and aloha kisses.


mom said...

Looks good, more like home with all of your stuff. Love Mom