Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Snorkeling Trip of 2010

So I finally had time to write the blog from when Tami and I went snorkeling at Hanauma Bay our first weekend back. We were there for the longest we've ever stayed at the Bay. We got there around 9:30 that Saturday morning and walked down the big hill to the Bay where we put out our towels by the same lifeguard stand that we do everytime we go there. We went around the keyhole a couple times and we saw the biggest fish we have ever seen there. We also saw a bunch of new fish that we had never seen. We also went over more of the coral because each time we go out we get braver and venture further in the bay. We also snorkeled in the part next to the keyhole which we had never done either. We left the Bay after 3 which like I said earlier was the longest we had ever stayed there. Here's some pictures from our long day.
Here's Tami and I ready to go out after putting our gear on for the first time. Now we whenever we get in the water to put our gear on we always laugh about how long it took us to put on our stuff the very first time we went snorkeling. Now we have a system and we're ready to go in less than 5 minutes.

We saw lots of colorful fishes that always come up real close because they are used all the people that snorkel at Hanauma Bay.
We saw these fish several times and it was kind of funny because we're usually looking down but these guys were floating just below the surface of the water.
Here's some fish nibbling on the coral. The one in the back was one that I had never seen before.
Then we saw this little fish whom we had never seen before either. He's in the middle of the picture with a yellowish tail.
These are my all time favorite fish because they are so colorful and they are the only ones that I know the name of beside the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a. This is a Rainbow Parrotfish. They are so cool and this was the biggest one we had ever seen there usually the ones we see are smaller than this one.
This guy swam right by my face.
I always have to put up a picture of the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a up.
There is a puffer fish in this picture but he's spotted so he kind of blends into the coral. Tami was making fun of me because whenever I see one I always point my finger at them hoping one day that I'll get one of them to puff up. So far I've had no luck.
See I told you there were lots of fish out there.
We also see lots of sea urchins just like these in the holes in the coral. On this particular day I actually saw all black ones but it was after mine and Tami's camera batteries died so we have no proof. That shows you how long we were out because we've never had both of our camera batteries die.
Here's another picture of the coral and the fish swimming near it. It was also a very clear day in the water which is really good for seeing things and taking pictures.
Here's another colorful fish.
This was another fish I had never seen before.
Again another fish I had never seen before.
Okay so this fish has a funny story. Whenever we go snorkeling no matter who's in the group I always lead because I go at the right pace and make sure everyone is okay. Well I'm swimming along and I see this fish whom I thought was just a colorful piece of coral but upon a second glance I realized it was actually a fish. The funny thing was he wasn't swimming around; he was just being very still hoping no one would see him. Also he was tight up against the coral and his head was facing towards the ocean floor. So that's my story about this fish.
Another colorful fishy.
This is another type of Parrotfish and it was huge. Probably the size of my head.
This is another colorful fishy pecking off the coral on the ground.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Hopefully I'll be able to write about something fun again before spring break but I don't know with how busy my schedule is.
Sending you warm wishes and aloha kisses. :)