Monday, September 5, 2011

Snorkeling at Makai Pier

Hello All,
While Bubba was out here visiting Tami we all went snorkeling at Makai Pier.  Makai Pier is across from the Oceanic Institute and Sea Life Park.  At first we were really unsure about it at first when we got in the water because the visibility was very poor.  But once we got further out it got much better.  We were the only four people out there snorkeling.  We saw 2 different kinds of eels, lots of fish, and several sea turtles.  Enjoy the pictures and videos.

Looking out over the ocean from where we were on the beach.  We were the only ones out there which was so nice compared to Hanauma Bay and Shark's Cove.
This is the first eel I've ever seen.  It is a Whitemouth Moray Eel.  It is in the bottom right hand corner of the picture.  Its black with white spots and a white mouth hence the name.
 Just some cool coral and some sea cucumbers.
The first turtle of about 6 that we saw throughout the day.
The coral was so cool and most of it was stuff I hadn't seen before.
Also we saw some of the biggest sea urchins.  The totally black ones really facinate me.
Tami diving down to get a better picture.

This is looking at Makapu'u from the water.  You can see the lighthouse on the left side of the mountain.
Tami and Bubba out there with Rabbit Island in the background.  Ignore my beautiful water spot.
There's Jon.
The second eel of the day.  This one is the Snowflake Moray Eel.  Tami took my camera and dove down to get some better pictures.  At least with this one we all got to see it because the first one only Jon and I saw.
Another turtle.
This is a male Spotted Boxfish.  It pays to be friends with 2 aspiring Marine Biologists because then I get the actual names of the fish we see.  It was funny because when we got home and uploaded the pictures Jon and Tami were looking at Tami's Hawaii fish books to get official names.

 Its a Humuhumunukunukuapua'a or Hawaii's state fish.
Can you see the Humu in its hole? 
**hint hint: look right in the middle of the picture and you can see it's tail**

Here's a sea turtle.
Okay so there's a story behind this video.  We had seen a lot of sea cucumbers and Tami said she wants to aggravate one.  I asked what happens if you do and she said they basically expel waste.  I told her that I'd video tape if she actually wanted to touch it.  This first attempt was a bust but "Aren't ya jealous?"
This is try 2.  Well this sea cucumber was LAME because he didn't do anything when Tami touched him.
This is just a video of the fishes and coral.  Sorry if its bumpy in spots.  Trust me this one is way better than the first video I shot that day.
Hope you enjoyed all of the pictures and videos.  We had a good relaxing day and got to see a lot of stuff we hadn't seen before.  Sending you warm wishes and aloha kisses.


mom said...

Yeah, I'm jealous and can't wait to see all of this myself in Dec. Love Mom